Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ramadhan & Aidilfitri

According to islam calendar, in one year, all muslim will celebrate ramadhan and aidilfitri. This celebration occurs mostly on ending of the year. Ramadhan is also known as fasting month. All muslim aer compulsary to fast from dawn till dusk. For me, it is an exciting month of the year. There is a lot of bazaar ramadhan. It is a place where eveybody but their foods and drinks o break their fast. After a long day of fasing, on the night, all muslim ussualy go to the mosque to do terawih prayer. According to islam religion, ramadhan can be divided into three phases. The first phase is BLESSING from allah, the second phase is FORGIVENESS from all sins, and the third is LAILATUL QADAR. It is a good month for all muslim to turn on a new leaf. Aidilfiri in other hand is WINNING month. This celebation occurs after ramadhan month. For me, i will atend to my relatives house to tighten the relationships amongs us. The parents, ussually give 'dui raya' to me. $$$. It is a wondeful month to celebrate with your family and your relatives.

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